Policy Reviews

The Sooke School District Board of Education, in consultation with executive staff, determine policies and regulations which govern the direct operations of the school district. They are reviewed and updated on a continual basis as they guide Board decision and administrative action.

The Board relies on executive leadership, school staff, parents, and the community to provide evaluations on the effectiveness of these policies and regulations. These evaluations are reviewed and recommendations for policy and regulation updates are made to the Board.

Board Policies Under Review: 

A Notice of Motion: Sooke School District Board Transportation Policy and Regulation F-100

The Sooke School District Board of Education has entered a feedback period for the proposed changes to the Transportation Policy and Regulation. 

*The current policy changes are considering providing transportation services to in-catchment schools only. As the District has identified French Immersion schools for catchment purposes, transportation services will be provided to students attending their designated French Immersion catchment school.

View this short video that covers the proposed changes.

Review proposed Transportation Policy 

Review proposed Transportation Regulation

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