Colwood Women's Institute Bursary

Award Name
Award Name
Colwood Women's Institute Bursary
Colwood Women's Institute
Scholarship or Bursary
Award Amount $
Application Deadline
Selection Criteria
Other / See Info
Award Type
Local Award

This bursary is for students entering a medical field of study in a program of 1 or more years (e.g. certificate, diploma, or degree)

The Colwood Women's Institute is part of the BC Women’s Institute women’s group. The Colwood WI was established in 1910 and is located at the colwood Community Hall. Our members reside mostly in Sooke and the Westshore area.  Our mandate is to support our local community, to educate women, bring community together, and support local charities. BCWI built the BC Childrens hospital, the solarium at Queen Alexandra for Children and Families and have championed many changes to laws at the government level. Our organization is worldwide and we hold a seat at the United Nations. We continue to support those in need in our community. 

Application Requirements
Application Requirements
Cover Letter/Letter of Application
Scholarship Resume
Letter(s) of Reference/Recommendation
Application Form