Heat wave: Send your child prepared


With the potential for record breaking hot weather in the forecast, we’re writing to share some of the ways you can reduce the risk of heat stress for your children while they are at school. 

Please send your children to school prepared for warm weather. Please remind them to: 

  • drink plenty of water to stay hydrated – drinking fountains and refilling stations for water bottles are accessible at school,
  • dress appropriately for the heat, such as wearing light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabric like cotton,
  • bring a hat to wear outdoors,
  • wear sunscreen, and
  • make use of shade when outside.

Please note that fans in district buildings cannot blow directly on people, as per pandemic-related precautions.

You may also find this additional information of interest from the BC Centre for Disease Control regarding warm weather safety in a time of COVID-19: http://www.bccdc.ca/about/news-stories/stories/2020/warm-weather-safety-in-a-time-of-covid-19