Youth Explore Trades Skills (STX)

Skilled Trades BC

Youth Explore Programs let students in grades 10 - 12 try out different trades so they can determine which ones they like best.  A great starting point for students in grades 10 - 12, this program is a way to explore multiple trades to discover the perfect fit—and pick up valuable skills in the process. The program is a partnership between the Ministry of Education and SkilledTradesBC, designed to give students 120 hours of hands-on experience and a clear path before enrolling in a high school apprenticeship program. 

  • This program is embedded in a number of high school ADST courses such as Metalwork, Woodwork, Electronics or Foods. 
  • Students complete SkilledTradesBC modules that explore transferrable skills in the world of trades.
  • Students learn about different trades and trade pathways available to them in high school and beyond.
  • SkilledTradesBC provides special funding for each student to supplement the materials and tools the course already provides.
  • Students get a unique SkilledTradesBC number that can be useful in the future if they pursue trades related employment.