Kindergarten - Grade 12 Mask Mandate


Dear Families,

This morning, the provincial health office and Ministry of Education announced that masks would be mandated for all students in kindergarten to Grade 12. Masks are an effective layer of protection when added to other existing health and safety measures already in place. Staff will continue to work with students and families in a positive and inclusive way regarding mask wearing. They will work with students to foster proper mask usage including how to wear, take off and store masks.

Beginning Monday, October 4th all students in kindergarten to Grade 12 must wear masks while indoors, including at their desks and on school buses.

As always, students and staff may be exempt from wearing a mask due to medical, developmental or behavioural reasons. These health and safety measures are put in place by the provincial health office and Ministry of Education, which we are mandated to follow. If you have any concerns, please speak to your child’s school principal, or contact the Board Office at info@sd62.bc.caPlease note that threatening action, violence or disrespectful language will not be tolerated in any form.

Ongoing health and safety measures for all students and staff:

  • Complete the Daily Health Checklist before coming to school.
  • Stay home when sick.
  • All K-12 staff and students must wear masks while indoors, including at their desks and on school buses.
  • Focus on washing or sanitizing hands.
  • Continued monitoring and enhancing building ventilation.
  • Continued cleaning and disinfecting.

Helpful links to more information

The health, safety and well-being of students and staff continues to be a top priority for the Sooke School District. Thank you for adapting so fluidly to the changes that continue. The perseverance and understanding of staff, students and families are very much appreciated.


Scott Stinson
Superintendent of Schools/CEO
Sooke School District