Ride 360 App

Ride 360 is not being utilized currently.  Please do not rely on information from the app for your bus information.

Access student bus information using Traversa Ride 360. In real time, the app will send you optional push notifications and displays. The app will show your child's route number, time and bus stop. It will also show you any changes that we make to their route, how far the bus is from your stop and alert you if it is delayed significantly. 

Get the FREE Traversa Ride 360 app

  1. iOS/Apple - ‎Traversa Ride 360 on the App Store (apple.com)
  2. Android device: Traversa Ride 360 – Apps on Google Play
  3. Your computer: Login - Traversa Ride 360

You will first need to register and create an account.

App Instructions

Registering, logging in to Ride 360 and adding your child to your account for the first time is very simple. 

  1. Register either through the app or desktop (links to those listed above).
  2. In app, click "re select country" and choose Canada.
  3. Begin entering Sooke and see "School District 62 Sooke" pop up. Select it.
  4. Click "Register".
  5. Enter email, password and name and click "Submit".
  6. You will receive a confirmation emal.

Once you have registered

Add your child to your account

  • Click My Students, “+”, then enter the student ID number (SD62 pupil number) and select their school.
  • Repeat this step to add multiple students.
  • You can now view all the transportation information connected to your child.

Share your child's bus information with another person

  • To share a student link with another person, select your child and click the share icon, in the top right corner.
  • Choose which students to share and enter the email address of the person you wish to share with. That person will receive a confirmation email which will automatically link the student to that user. They will be required to complete the same registration process as outlined above.
  • Please note: Only three people can be connected to a child's bus information in the app.